If you need research assistance, feel free to ask our tutors on site.
Wednesday, 12.03. | 03:00pm - 08:00pm |
Thursday, 13.03. | 03:00pm - 08:00pm |
Friday, 14.01. | 10:00am - 08:00pm |
Wednesday, 19.03. | 03:00pm - 08:00pm |
Thursday, 20.03. | 03:00pm - 08:00pm |
Friday, 21.01. | 10:00am - 08:00pm |
Wednesday, 26.03. | 03:00pm - 08:00pm |
Thursday, 27.03. | 10:00am - 08:00pm |
Friday, 28.01. | 10:00am - 08:00pm |
No time to stop by? Get in touch with our tutors for an appointment on site or online at fb-phil-psych.ub@univie.ac.at.
A brief summary of our range of tutorials and guided tours.
We offer trainings on literature research and evaluation and tours and introductions to the Philosophy and Psychology Library. For more information see Library Instruction.