About Us


Waehringer Strasse 29, ground floor
1090 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-16841
E: fbpublinfo.ub@univie.ac.at


Mag. Tanja Fabian (librarian)
T: +43-1-4277-16840
E: tanja.fabian@univie.ac.at

Gabriele Kainz (administration, journals)
T: +43-1-4277-16842
E: gabriele.kainz@univie.ac.at

Student staff:

Jonathan Funke-Kaiser
Tabea Hössinger
Flora Lebloch
Selina Obristhofer
Katrin Schwarz
Katharina Umgeher

We will gladly assist you with using the library and research queries.

We wish all readers a pleasant time in our library!