Visualisierung des neuen Bücherdepots

The New Book Depot of the Vienna University Library

A book depot is being built on the Siemens grounds in Vienna-Floridsdorf by the end of 2024 by the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft for the University of Vienna. The book depot will be a climate-friendly timber hybrid building with high architectural standards. Locally available, renewable resources will be used to generate energy.

Construction method and sustainability

Wood is used wherever possible, for example for the non-load-bearing walls. As much recycled concrete as possible is used for the reinforced concrete skeleton (high load-bearing capacity of books and ensuring constant climatic conditions). Most of the components can be prefabricated, which enables a short construction time. The design maximises heat recovery.

The very compact design reduces the primary energy requirement and therefore CO2 emissions. No fossil fuels are used, instead local renewable resources such as geothermal energy with component activation are utilised to generate energy. The book depot can be extended during operation if required. This guarantees a long service life.

The large-scale photovoltaic system on the roof will provide an output of over 300 kWp, which is roughly equivalent to the average electricity consumption of 65 four-person households. A sophisticated ventilation concept will prevent overheating in summer.

13,000 m² for 130,000 linear metres of books - 2.7 million volumes from the Vienna University Library

The book depot with a net area of 13,000 m² is designed for 130,000 linear metres of books. The University of Vienna will use 109,000 linear metres of this space to store part of its book collection, i.e. 2.7 million volumes. The remaining space will be available to the libraries of the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Geosphere Austria.

Half of the building site consists of near-natural meadows

After completion, half of the construction site will consist of near-natural meadows. Biodiversity will be promoted around the timber hybrid building with a near-natural flower meadow and a row of 60 new trees. The façade facing the suburban railway and the roof will be planted with semi-natural vegetation.

Key data

  • Start of construction: autumn 2023
  • Completion: end of 2024
  • Net floor space: 13,000 m²
  • Running metres of bookshelves: 130,000 m², of which 109,000 m² for the University of Vienna
  • Investment: 37.8 million euros (incl. furnishings and relocation)
  • Tenant: University of Vienna
  • Users: University of Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Geosphere Austria
  • Architecture: Pittino & Ortner ZT GmbH
  • Client and property owner: Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft