Lending Services

You can borrow books that may be borrowed for 14 days. Non book material may be borrowed for up to 7 days. You need a library card (u:card) to borrow books. You receive your u:card at the library information desk once you have presented your student ID card (or an official photo ID card if you are not a student) and your residence registration form.

Please note: You cannot borrow books in Chinese, Japanese or Korean that are not recorded in the online catalogue straight away. We record the book in the catalogue as soon as possible. You receive a notification, as soon as the book is ready for you to collect.

Loan conditions

Your borrower status Loanable items can be borrowed Loaned items are renewed Holds can be placed Reference works,
books from reserve collections (Semesterhandapparat),
items published more than 100 years ago and journals
Student for 14 days;
50 items
automatically for up to one year yes can be used in the library
PhD student or student at diploma/master thesis writing level; for 14 days;
50 items
automatically for up to one year yes can be used in the library
Academic staff/faculty/administrative staff for 14 days;
100 items
automatically for up to one year yes can be used in the library
Other users (alumni, annual card, students of other universities) for 14 days;
50 items
automatically for up to one year yes can be used in the library
Other users (monthly card, employees of other universities for 14 days;
50 items
manually after card renewal yes can be used in the library

Information regarding the loan process


Users can search for printed works in two ways:

  • While researching in the library, browse shelves for relevant literature. Books taken from the shelves, which are not needed anymore, can be placed on a trolley provided for this purpose, or returned at the information desk. Books can be borrowed at the information desk, if wished.
  • In addition to browsing the shelves, users can use the search engine u:search to search the library holdings. Users can independently determine the books location inside the library by using the shelf marks. If needed, books can be ordered online free of charge. Ordered books will be retrieved from the shelves and prepared for pickup by users. A hold wil be placed on the book, if it is currently loaned. After the book is returned it will automatically be prepared for pickup and users will be notified.
  • Please note: Not all original-language works are recorded digitally. Japanese, Chinese and Korean language works published before the year 2003 may only be found by browsing the shelves in person. For further information see: General information on using the library.
Orders and Holds

Because we are an open access library (meaning that most items are freely accessible to patrons) you can usually only request items over u:search that are not freely accessible. This concerns AV-media, which can be found at the information desk, and material from the stacks. Both will be retrieved at your request and will be found at the information desk for five workdays. AV-media are loanable for up to 7 days. Items from the stacks can only be used on site due to material-preservation reasons.

  • COVID-19 Information: Currently all works (excluding reserve shelves) can be ordered via u:search for pickup at the information desk.

If the item you looked for in u:search is currently on loan you can place a hold on it. When the item is returned, you will be notified by email that you can collect it from the department library. Items that have been placed on hold can be collected for the following five days.

Not loanable

Reference works, dictionaries, magazines and older books (archive) are exempt from the loaning process. Please take note of the corresponding information on u:search.

Borrowing for research projects or lecutres

Scientific staff of the University of Vienna can borrow items for 1 year or for up to 2 years (depending on the type of ID-card that was issued) if they need books to hold lectures or conduct research. The name of the borrower will be visible on u:search, thus allowing other users to access the literature in question. Books have to be stored on campus.

Loaning and Returning

Books can be borrowed for 14 days. (Exception: AV-media can be borrowed for only 7 days). This period can be extended up to one year via u:search, provided the book is not requested by another user via u:search. All works have to be returned within the loan period. You can view, extend or cancel your current borrowings/reservations online in u:search under “My Account”. Returns can be made at the information desk or the return-box in the main library building.


If you dont return books on time, overdue fees will be charged (unless you are exempt) and you will no longer be able to use the library until you have returned your overdue books and have paid all fees.

You can find further information on the main library website under Fees.