The Translation Studies library holds publications in all of the languages taught at the Centre:
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Chinese, German, English, French, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Czech and Hungarian
With about 70,000 volumes and more than 50 journals, the Library’s resources include:
The Arnold Lissance Archive is a collection of about 170,000 German into English and 50,000 English into German translation suggestions. They were collected by Arnold Lissance over several decades with the aim of establishing a Translator’s Dictionary. The collection was initially given to the Institute of translation and interpreting of the University of Vienna in 1985 and then gifted to the Library a few years later. The terms are printed on index cards (card catalogue) and organised alphabetically. The archive is located in the catalogue room.
Portrait of the exiled translator Arnold Lissance:
Kremmel, St. (2022). Arnold Lissance. In: Forschungsprojekt Exil:Trans - Leben und Arbeit verfolgter ÜbersetzerInnen. Wien: Universität Wien.
Project description of the Translator’s Dictionary:
Lissance, A. (1949). A Twentieth Century German-English Dictionary. The German Quarterly, 22(3), 134-144.
Further reading:
Bühler, H. (1996). Arnold Lissance (1906-1994): Übersetzer und „Terminologe“. In: Eichner, H. (Hrsg.). Sprachnormung und Sprachplanung. Festschrift für Otto Back zum 70. Geburtstag ; mit Beiträgen aus den Bereichen Graphematik, Orthographie, Namenkunde, Österreichisches Deutsch, Sprachnormung und Plansprachenkunde. Wien: Ed. Praesens, 465-76.
Kremmel, St. and Ivanović, M. (2021). A Successfully Stranded Translator’s Dictionary: Arnold Lissance’s Underappreciated Attempt to Create the Perfect Resource for Translators. In: Linn Holmberg und Maria Simonsen (Hrsg.) Stranded Encyclopedias, 1700-2000. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 259-86.
Lissance, A. und Kurz, I. (1985). Das Arnold Lissance Archiv [Interview]. Universitas Mitteilungsblatt, Nr. 4: 9-12.
Suschko, G. (1987). Das Arnold-Lissance-Archiv : vorgestellt anhand der Abtönungspartikeln "schon, denn, eben und eigentlich". Wien: Univ. Dipl.-Arbeit.
Teachers, researchers and students of the Centre for Translation Studies can use sound and image documents on relevant subject areas at the media lab/archive on the 4th floor.