Lending services

You can borrow loanable media for 14 days. General dictionaries may be borrowed for a day (i.e. for exams) and books shelved in the reserve collections may be borrowed over the weekend, i.e. from Friday 12:00 until Monday 12:00. You need a library card to borrow books. You can borrow up to 100 media items from the Translation Studies library.

You cannot borrow and only use in the library:

  • academic theses (doctoral theses, diploma theses, master’s theses)
  • reference books (shelf mark group E)
  • academic journals
  • books that were published more than 100 years ago
Please see the relevant details on u:search.

Loan conditions

Loanable items Loan period Reservation Loan renewal
Items for regular loan 14 days yes Automatically*, up to 1 year
Dictionaries relevant for exams 1 day no no
Reserve collection Weekend no no

Request/reserve items

You can reserve books that are currently borrowed (specified on u:search as “On loan until DD.MM.YYYY” under “Status”). Books that may be borrowed with a loan period of 14 days and items from the closed stacks can be requested online via u:search. You will receive a notification e-mail as soon as the book is ready to collect. We keep books you reserved/requested ready to collect for 5 working days.


Open-shelf area

You can take the books that are shelved in the open-shelf area directly from the shelves yourself and borrow them, or use them on-site. Alternatively, you can also request items via u:search.

Generally, you may borrow books shelved in this area for 14 days. Dictionaries with a red dot on the spine can only be borrowed until the next working day.

Academic theses
Hardbound copies of all academic theses (doctoral theses, master’s theses) published at the Centre for Translation Studies are submitted to the Library (in accordance with section 86 of the Universities Act). In order to ensure the completeness of this collection, academic theses may not be borrowed and can therefore only be used on-site. Please note that some academic theses are freely accessible online on u:theses.

Open-shelf area: new acquisitions

New acquisitions of the Library are displayed on the shelf next to the information desk for a few weeks.

Open-shelf area: journals

Academic journals shelved in the open-shelf area can be taken directly from the shelves and used in the reading rooms but they may not be borrowed. Older volumes are shelved in the closed stacks and need to be requested via u:search or at the information desk.
Many subject-specific academic journals are available as e-journals and can thus be accessed online.

Recent issues of our general magazines are shelved in the open-shelf area and may be borrowed for 14 days. Older issues are kept in the closed stacks and may not be borrowed. Users can request them via u:search or at the information desk, but may only use them on site.

Open-shelf area: reading room

The most recent editions of dictionaries relevant for exams are shelved in the Large Reading Room and may be borrowed for exams for 1 day, i.e. until the next working day.

Open-shelf area: Reserve Collection

These books may only be borrowed over the weekend (Friday, 12:00 to Monday, 12:00) to ensure that as many people as possible can access them.

The general reserve collection contains fundamental literature of the discipline. It is labelled with the addition “HA ALLGEMEIN” in u:search and on the shelves.
The reserve collections for specific courses contain literature for specific courses. They are compiled by the lecturers and are shelved according to the course name or name of the lecturer (e.g. HA KADRIC, HA SCHREIBMENTORING).

Closed stacks

The closed stacks are not publicly accessible. Books or journals shelved in the closed stacks need to be requested via u:search or at the information desk. If possible, we prepare the requested items for collection on the same day, or the next day at the latest.